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I went raspberry picking today.  It’s a lovely way to spend an early afternoon.

Of course, my friend and I got terribly lost on the way there. We were supposed to be following someone, but that didn’t quite work out.  So there we were, lost in downtown, and somehow, before we got Ms. Magellan going, we found ourselves by the donut shop I have on my 30 before 30 list.  After a quick stop (the line was only 3 people–unheard of!), and one more thing off my list, we finally found our way out of the city and into… the business park?

Eventually the trip turned into the pastoral scenery I expected and eventually we found the right farm.  An hour later, I walked out with 4 lbs of raspberries.  Oops.  I’m freezing half of them as I write.

But the weather was lovely, the berries were plentiful and the company was superb.  And now I have all the raspberries my heart could ask for.
