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Tomorrow night I’m going to see The Gift. I’m kind of nervous because I’m a wimp when it comes to movies, but it’s not like I’m watching it alone.  So it will be fine, right?  A week ago, I saw Paper Towns–a good movie, but not one I’d see again.

Patrick Rothfuss’ second book in The Kingkiller Chronicles, The Wise Man’s Fear, finally came in at the library for me (I had been on the hold list for over a month).  It’s fantastic!  I don’t know if any of you read the first one, The Name of the Wind, but it was engrossing.  I couldn’t even put it down.  So far, this one is living up to expectations.  It’s nice to have something new and fresh to read.

I’m about 2/3 of the way through the second season of Orange is the New Black.  I got an hdmi cord, so I get to watch it on my tv, which is nice.  It’s a pretty good show, I think, although kind of stressful.  (And again, you know me…)

Other than that, if anyone has any recommendations… let me know.